One family lived close enough to be considered a neighbor, when I was a child, and consisted of a middle-aged man and his elderly mother, there were no children to play with. Consequently, I eagerly awaited my first year in school.
At six years old that much anticipated event occurred and I experienced my first day of school at Billingsley High, which consisted of all twelve grades and sported an attendance of about 300 students. That day, the whole school gathered in the auditorium. I had never seen so many people at once before, nor so many children my own age – about twenty-eight.
School immediately became the social center of my life. I experienced some of my greatest joys (plays and operettas) there and one of the most embarrassing events in my life.
In Grammar School, most of my clothing was cotton and made by my Mom. In the second grade she bought me a pair of silk, what the English call, knickers. Oh my, they were splendid with lace and ribbons around the waist and leg openings! Unfortunately, Mom pronounced their waist elastic untrustworthy and forbade me to wear them until fixed.
Being a very busy woman, repairing those knickers wasn’t high on Mom’s list. It was taking her much too long to-get-around-to-it, so I decided to wear them to school, anyway.
I had got about twenty feet down the hall, when I felt silk slither down my legs and pool around my ankles. I think I stopped breathing. There were upper classman behind me, who were in various degrees of laughter induced paroxysm.
I slung them off my feet and ran for the classroom. One conscientious sixth grade girl opened my class room door holding the silky things out to me and said, “I think you left these in the hall.”
February 26, 2010
Carolyn В·
Tags: billingsley high, uhoh В· Posted in: Humor
2 Responses
Well, I guess you could say “Mother knows best”!
That would have definitely haunted me for eternity! They must have been beautiful knickers!! рџ™‚
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